winter to spring
March 2020 - Bread is for all seasons -

Today we are facing a nation wide pandemic where Covid-19 is forcing the world stay home in order to stop the spread of this deadly virus. This will definitely make a mark in history. Can you tell that the stocking of food at this moment is probably the highest priority for people?
Store shelves are completely wiped out, and surprisingly the toilet paper shelf was the first one to go. Well I guess two priorities are on peoples minds. What you eat; and that it must come out :D
For me, if bread is made in the right way, using the right ingredients, is food for the brain. Baking your own bread is satisfying, relaxing, money saving and so resourceful, especially in times like this :)

know about food you make & consume
Evidence tells us that the first trace of bread was found 30'000 years ago. Egyptians discovered the use of fermentation by leaving some dough in the sun and it rose. This process of fermentation created bread that we know as sourdough. Bread is the most widely consumed food in the world today, and unfortunately due to the industrial revolution we have made bread really unnutritious and could say; unhealthy. For example, The packaged and pre-sliced white bread seen in almost all food stores is highly processed. It is a simple carb that is quick and easy to digest but has little or almost no nutritional value. Whole grain bread will always be the better choice, because of its fiber content, as well as being a source of vitamin B, iron, magnesium and selenium (an essential mineral).
What is refined flour?
Imagine you take a close look at one type of cereal grain. The pictures below clearly show you what a grain is composed of. Bran is rich in fiber and contains a lot of antioxidants and vitamin B. The germ is rich in minerals, vitamins, protein and fat. The endosperm, that composes most of the grain, is the starchy part of the grain where the carbohydrates come into the picture. Since the industrial revolution, manufacturers have processed the grain to remove the bran and the germ, leaving only the endosperm. It is a no brainer to see that factory made bread, leaves you with; YES! A longer shelf life but VERY LITTLE nutritional value. Buying bread from big companies means consuming modified, refined flour (from most probably Monsanto-grown, GMO crops).
Bread like the olden days

I'm really lucky to live in a little village where every two weeks, a couple locals come together to make bread for the community. They get their flour from neighbouring farms, which means it is organic, local and milled stoneground. They then bake the bread in a 17th century stone oven. From organic grains, milled into healthy flours and made into dough, to taking it out of the stone oven, it leaves you salivating from the aroma of warm bread. Finally, how about adding a little cheese and sausage from the next door farm? Now that's a recipe for A DREAM!
Bread should definitely be made like our great grandparents used to make it
Try to make your own :)
It is fun, relaxing, impressive & absolutely delicious!
The pictures below is the result during the self isolation times. We make the most out of it, and see the beauty of having time. Realising that "time" is whats lacking in everyones lives. People are in a constant hustle & bustle. Feeling stressed and over-pressured. This unpleasant way of life is somehow stoped for some, and might have a positive impact on how they should put more value on what it means to have "time". I know it's not easy for many of us, however let's look at the positives ;) Stay safe and we will make this together dear citizens of the world, it's about Teamwork :)

I've used Le Larousse du Pain. This is a great book with over 80 recipes & pastries.
Megan Ware, RDN. “Bread: Is It Good or Bad for You?” Medical News Today, MediLexicon International, 6 Nov. 2019,
under an hour vegan & GF bread

Fast, Easy & Gluten Free
1) 500 grams of GF flour
2) 350 ml water
3) 2 tbsp rapseed oil
4) 1.5 tsp. salt
5) 1 tsp sugar
6) 21 grams of fresh yeast
Knead your bread dough well and set your loaf in your oven on low temperature for 20 minutes @ 50 °C
For 35 minutes cook your bread at 200°C
** For a crunchy crust put 5 cl of water in the oven

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