Superfood Salads--you'll understand why that's how we call them!

What is a key factor for making your salad taste better?

Buy only vegetables from farmers markets. Meaning the most local and in season vegetables you can find! Organic is always a plus! Or if it does not say "organic" but the farmer says it is grown in a sustainable way without pesticides, hormones etc.then that is just fine as well :)


Buying from local farmers is not only beneficial to you but to the farmer and the local economy. 


Have you ever tasted tomatoes or lettuce that just taste like water? I have experienced that a lot in the United States, until I said "stop" to buying my vegetables from big Supermarkets where you hope that the label is saying the truth. Not knowing where or how the food was grown made me skeptical. So I changed my food shopping habits, which was so easy, so obvious and made so much sense!


Buying from farmers markets or purchasing directly from the farm itself is the way to go!

Your food tastes SO MUCH better! You know exactly where it's from, and your body will thank you for feeding it such healthy, nutritious gold from earth (vegetables).  

Pictures below are some of aloftylife's superfood salads

don't hesitate to ask me what's so super about them :)

Couscous-Avocado-Chickpea Superfood Salad Recipe 

So Easy-So Tasty-So Healthy-Vegan

Prep time: 15 minutes

Quantity? 4 People 


Last night I made my family this super easy to make filling salad...they all loved it! 


Here is how you make a salad that is healthy, tasty and makes you full without having to eat heavy carbs or meat at night! 

1) Put 1 cup of Couscous in your salad bowl.

2) Boil Hot water in a kettle and pour a splash over the couscous for it to cook--make sure you do not drown it with to much water (remember you can always add more water if needed, but not the other way around)

3) Half a can of Chickpeas (save the chickpea water for Vegan desserts)

4) Cut up some Red Cabbage

5) Finely chop Onions and Mint 

6) 2 Avocados

7) Add some chopped apple in there or if you are in summer season then Strawberries would go well too ;) 

8) I crushed up some vegetable chips to make it extra amazing ;) Or any kind of chips you have in your cupboard salt & vinegar, honey mustard, paprika any kind would taste bomb! 

9) I added some salted cashews for an extra crunch

To make it vegetarian and not vegan, throw some feta cheese in there! 

Dressing I just used good quality olive oil and balsamic vinegar, however if I would have more time, I believe I would of made some homemade pomegranate dressing! They were hungry lions I had to feed so I had to cook in speed mode! 

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Ashley Loft


Hi! My name is Ashley Loft. I'm a dual citizen of Switzerland and the USA. I'm currently residing in Switzerland. I love cooking and eating homemade food, healing people through sport massages and keeping my readers inspired by sharing recipes on my food blog. Check out my website and don't hesitate to contact me.